Mobile Intelligence Unit
100% Turn-Key Intelligence and Conferencing System Pre-Configured for Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Drone Streaming and Incident Management
Turn-key mobile command solution with no end-user training needed. Microsoft Teams ready delivering intel when and where needed. The MIU-55 can be mobilized to in-field operational locations for instant access to live intelligence, drone video, fixed cameras, tactical mapping, police CAD integration, DVR video playback, and live video conferencing. It is deployed virtually anywhere providing a platform for emergency tactical crews maintaining COVID-19 social distancing compliance and on-site video conferencing/briefing. Setup is simple, plug it in to local power and activate lift. The MCU automatically initiates its power on sequence and is operational is less than 60 seconds.
An advanced 55” 4K 20-point TouchScreen alleviates the need for a local keyboard and mouse in an easyto- use interface. Cellular gateway technology provides the network connectivity removing the dependency for unreliable local Wi-Fi. The MIU also creates an encrypted WiFi hotspot allowing local devices a secure internet connection. Fail safe SAT COMM ready for an extra layer of redundancy. Power management is standard with a 2+ hour Li-Ion battery generator and ATS (automatic transfer switch) for a seamless transition in the event of local power loss. It is solar ready for up to a 100 watt solar panel expansion. Larger external
battery generators and larger solar panels can be provided upon request. The MIU has quick detach external antennas, custom bracket, and direct video input for use with the Autel Robotics Live Deck.